On 3rd of november the Childrens' Culture Seminar "Forgive me!" will be held in Valga Culture Centre from 10.00 -13.00 as part of Theatre Festival for Young Audineces NAKS
In this years' seminar lecuters and performances will be given by four performers with different backround and experiences with this topic.
- At 10 o'clock Writer Lauri Räpp explains to what state and situation bullyimg can lead the human soul based on life experiences and many encounters with young people
- At 10.40 will be the front speaker educationist Tiiu Kuurme whose passion is to find solutions against bullying in our schools, homes and in society overall.
- at 11.20 Policemen from Valga County give us overview about what is happening in Valga and introduce us our rights and oppurtunities to notice bullying and to stop it.
- at 12 o'clock puvlic reading of Nathalie's Paplin play "Noones' land" Nathalie Paplin'i
Seminar is free for everyone!