The NAKS Theater Festival for young spectators, theater makers, and teachers took place on October 18-23. Until the end of the month, October 31, it is possible to watch the performances on the current page for free.
Participants: Estonian Youth Theater, Miksteater, Oma Lava, Piip ja Tuut Theater, Theater and Music Museum, Tartu Toy Museum Theater Home, Improteater IMPEERIUM, and foreign guests Ilmatila from Finland and Productions Y2D from Canada. The program included physical and visual theater, poetry theater, modern circus and dance, fairy tale storytelling, object theater, word theater, etc. From the age of 1 to the age of 99. There were also discussion groups with directors and theater critics, which can be heard under "Discussions". You can also watch webinar (with Suzanne Osten, Sasha Pepeljajev, Rein Agur, Timo Steiner, and other keynote speakers) in English. We also had Children's Night University with singer and songwriter Kadri Voorand. In collaboration with French Institute in Estonia, we organized a public reading of a French youth play called "La dispute" (2019) and a discussion with the author Mohamed El Khatib.
Festivali korraldasid: Anna Leena Koržets, Reeli Lonks, Janika Johanna Koppel, Marek Demjanov, Kaido Rannik, Allan Kress.
Teostus: Videolevels, Still Frame, Mait Visnapuu, Carmen Seljamaa, Art Konverentsitehnika, vaheklipid: Liina Särkinen, Rasmus Pärnpuu, Marta Liise Demjanov.
Tõlkisid: Tiia Falk, Karin Keerdo-Massa, Hanna Hiiesalu, Maria Esko. Toetasid: Eesti Rahvakultuuri Keskus, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tallinna Haridusamet, Prantsuse Instituut Eestis. Täname: Eesti Teatri Agentuur, Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Tallinna Linnateater, Piip ja Tuut Teater.
Vestlusringe viisid läbi Jaanus Vaiksoo, Silvia Soro, Terje Bernadt, Marek Demjanov, Tiina Mölder, Kirsten Simmo, Kristiina Oomer, Priit Põldma. Seminari juhtis Eduard Odinets ning kõnelesid Suzanne Osten, Rein Agur, Sasha Pepeljajev, Timo Steiner, Jan Kaus, Karmo Mende, Anu Aun, Eva Kalbus, Rita Rätsepp, Anne Kleinberg ja Helena Maria Reisner.
Pildistas: Luisa Greta Vilo.
Siit leiad toredaid pilte seminarist ja Improteatri etendusest:
The festival was organized by: Anna Leena Koržets, Reeli Lonks, Janika Johanna Koppel, Marek Demjanov, Kaido Rannik, Allan Kress. Realization: Videolevels, Still Frame, Mait Visnapuu, Carmen Seljamaa, Art Conference equipment, intermediate clips: Liina Särkinen, Rasmus Pärnpuu, Marta Liise Demjanov. Translated by: Tiia Falk, Karin Keerdo-Massa, Hanna Hiiesalu, Maria Esko.
Supported by: Estonian Folk Culture Center, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Tallinn Education Board, French Institute in Estonia. We thank: Estonian Theater Agency, Independent Dance Stage, Tallinn City Theater, Piip and Tuut Theater.
The discussion rounds were conducted by Jaanus Vaiksoo, Silvia Soro, Terje Bernadt, Marek Demjanov, Tiina Mölder, Kirsten Simmo, Kristiina Oomer, Priit Põldma. The seminar was chaired by Eduard Odinets and the following spoke: Suzanne Osten, Rein Agur, Sasha Pepelyaev, Timo Steiner, Jan Kaus, Karmo Mende, Anu Aun, Eva Kalbus, Rita Rätsepp, Anne Kleinberg and Helena Maria Reisner.
Photographer: Luisa Greta Vilo.
Here you will find beautiful pictures from the seminar and the Improteatri performance:
VAATAJATE TAGASISIDE: "Soovin õnne ja tänan - te korraldasite haarava festivali! Minu arvates oli see täiuslik mahult, sisult, teemadelt ja programmi pikkuselt. Mulle meeldis väga see, et olite korraldajatena iga hetke saatjaks - see polegi iga kord iseenestmõistetav. Seminaril esinejate valik oli samuti mõnus klaster. Veebis võib! Suur tänu ja saagu neid palju." Maria Usk
"Veebifestivali vormil tundub olevat meie kiirel ajal tulevikku. Sellest võiks kujuneda tervitatav noore vaataja teatri teabe ja ka teatriõppe platvorm. Diskussioonid ja seminar just seda suunda avardasid - need olid huvitavad ja informatiivsed. Dialoogi peaks nüüd kindlasti jätkama ja ka selleks on veebis häid vahendeid. Elavat etendust ei asenda miski, eriti noorele vaatajale. Veebifestival annab pigem täiskasvanule võimaluse rahulikult enne lapsega teatriminekut teha valikuid, kuhu minnakse, mis teemal ennast ette valmistada jne. Aga nagu viitas seminaril Suzanne Osten, see ei ole ka lahendus. Täiskasvanu oma kõige paremas tahtes last kaitsta peidab ja varjab saladusi, mida lapsed niikuinii tajuvad ja hiljem valusalt endas edasi kannavad. Täiskasvanu võib hirmuda ja blokeerida kunstniku ja noore vaataja kohtumist. Teatrikunst on võimalus jagada olulisi sõnumeid turvaliselt füüsiliste metafooride ja sümbolite keeles. Lastele on selle keele lugemine loomuomasem kui abstraktne mõtlemine ja kirjapandud literatuur. Tervitan soojalt NAKS festivali püüdlusi sisuka ja kunstiküpse noore vaataja teatri poole!" Katrin Nielsen
VIEWERS 'FEEDBACK: "I wish you luck and want to thank you - you organized an exciting festival! I thought it was perfect in terms of volume, content, themes and length of the program. I enjoyed that the organizers were there in every moment of need - this is not as common as one might think. The seminar presenters were a nice cluster of performances. Maria Usk
"The form of a web festival seems to be our near future. It could become a platform for young viewers as well as theater learning. The discussions and seminar expanded in that direction - they were interesting and informative. That dialogue should be continued. On the other hand there is no substitute for a live performance, especially for a young viewer. The web festival gives the adult the opportunity to make in advance choices before going to the theater with the child and prepare the child for what is yet to come up in the play. As Suzanne Osten pointed out at the seminar, this is not the solution. Protecting a child hides and conceals secrets that children perceive and later painfully carry. Parents can be intimidated and block the meeting between an artist and a young viewer. Theater offers an opportunity to share important messages in a safe space through physical metaphors and symbols. Understanding this language is more natural to children than abstract thinking or written literature. I warmly welcome the aspirations of the NAKS festival towards a theater for a meaningful and artistic young spectator! "Katrin Nielsen